Monday 22 January 2018

Last War of the Superfortresses

I have eight Tumbling Dice B-29 Superfortresses waiting to be painted for the Bag the MiG and MiG Alley projects, so have been digging around for operational details that I can use for scenarios. There are a couple of B-29 scenarios in the Too Fat Lardies 2007 Summer Special but I want to write some more for Bag the MiG to make maximum use of the models, which are really impressive even in 1/600th scale. As a result, I'm moving onto this book to find what I need, The Last War of the Superfortresses, along with some more general reading around the subject. I'm even thinking about assembling half a dozen more to replicate some of the large formations that operated over North Korea for both day and night time bombing missions.


  1. There are a few scenarios with B29s that could be used from the Check your 6 booklet too.



  2. I forgot about that...thanks for the reminder!

  3. This book is very short money on Amazon as an ebook.
