Wednesday 14 February 2018

MiG Alley Extras

I completed the fiddly decals on the six NKAF La-5FN's, the USAF L5 Stinson Sentinel, the ROKAF T5 Texan FAC and the USAF H-15 ASR Chicksaw this afternoon, using the trusty Dom's Decals sheets. I am going to decal all of the eighteen (eek!) NKAF MiG-15's tomorrow and also plan to undercoat then basecoat the Yak 9D's, Il-10's and La-11's. The decals really take their toll on my eyesight and I can only manage a few aircraft at a time but at least the NKAF decals are relatively simple to apply. I'm definitely getting there with the MiG Alley and Bag the MiG project but there's still a fair way to go, even if I'm enjoying the journey!