Saturday 17 February 2018

Climbing the Lead Mountain

There really is a place called Lead Mountain!

I did a brief stock check of the various nearly completed and almost unfinished projects that I have accumulated over the last couple of years or so this morning. This is an endemic feature of my wargaming pursuits and something I really need to knock on the head. Anyway, the list of things that I've started and got within a percentage range of completion is as follows:

10mm USCM vs Aliens - 85%

15mm Sci Fi Mechanised Company - 75%

28mm US Infantry Platoon - 75%

28mm Japanese Platoon - 35%

28mm SAGA Normans - 80%

1/285th B17's - 70%

1/600th Coastal Warfare - 80%

1/600th Cold War Jets - 85%

1/600th Korean War - 75%

1/2400 1864 Steam and Sail - 30%

...and so on, not including anything that has been based but not seen a lick of paint (that's another story all together!). It's a lead weight hanging around my neck, especially as I would like to complete all of these in equal measure and do new things too.



  1. My vote would be the Cold War jets to finish first - not that you're asking for votes!

  2. My advice is always to paint the smallest amount that would allow you to do a game.



  3. You're almost as bad as I am. When it comes to wargames I'm like a puppy in a field chasing butterflies. Last year I was going to play a Guadalcanal "Squadron Forward" campaign so I made the cyberboard game box and set up the first mission.

    Then I read "On Spartan Wings" and decided I wanted to do a Greco-Italian war campaign, so I started creating the counters for it, but then I found "T.A.C" and started building the planes and pieces for it.

    Now I'm wondering how "T.A.C" would work as the basis for a "Squadron Forward" campaign instead of the "Buffalo Wings" rules I'd planned on using.

    Meanwhile it's been over a year and the only games I've played are Stardew Valley, Ultima Online, and B-17 QotS.

  4. Sounds very familiar!


    TAC would work very well with SF I think. Great little game!
