Sunday 11 March 2018

Magnetic Basing Bingo!


I tried out the magnetic sheet and iron impregnated adhesive box liner that I got from Tiny Tin Troops the other day and I'm dead impressed with the results. Not only was it quick and easy to cut, stick and trim the magnetic sheet to the hex bases but the 1/600th scale aircraft are also attached very firmly to the base layer, which prevents any sliding about or falling over. I wish I'd tried this approach before as it has solved all my basing headaches in one fell swoop. Brilliant! I'm now going to expand my hex based Cold War line-up with some Soviet aircraft, as well as finishing off the last of the Taiwanese Super Sabres and Freedom Fighters.


  1. Nice to see a cunning plan working!

  2. Makes a change! Good stuff though and might work well for your 3mm armies?
