Sunday 8 April 2018

Wings At War Desert Spitfires

Something that I have been thinking about, as a way to learn the Wings At War rules system, is to start with a mini-project rather than diving straight in with MiG Alley. There is a free version of the rules which is based on the 1948 War of Independence between Israel and the Arab States, so I thought I might start out with that. 

The rules are called Desert Spitfires and feature a three way split between the Israelis, Egyptians and RAF, the latter very much stuck in the middle. The good thing about this is that there are a lot of unusual and interesting aircraft but all in small numbers, so only a few packs of Tumbling Dice models are required, especially as I already have some suitable bits and bobs. 

I'll have to give this some serious thought as it would be a quick, cheap and enjoyable way to get my head around the Wings At War rules:


  1. It took me a little time to figure the rules out, but I really like the Wings at War rules. I have both Thud Ridge and Flames Above the Falklands.

  2. I have been wanting to try out WAW for years but never got round to it until now. I have all of the rules sets so have plenty of directions in which to wander! I really like the look of both the WW1 version and the Falklands, although Mig Alley is the first full game I am going to run.
