Monday 7 May 2018

Desert Spitfires Egyptian Decals

I've decided to try the I-94 decal sheet as a possible way to get some insignia for the Egyptian Air Force, even though the sheet is designed for 1/285th scale not 1/600th. If the smallest roundels are small enough for wings or fuselage on the fighters I will be very surprised but at least I'll have something to decorate the C-47's, Ansons and Stirlings with, assuming I can squeeze more than one aircraft out of a single sheet? It's worth a try as Dom still hasn't got his act together, leaving me scratching my head for alternatives. I suppose I could try printing some myself?


  1. I printed some decals for my fictional third world air forces. Worked reasonably well. I ended up making punches out of brass tube to cut them out, as free handing it wasn't going to work for me.

  2. I'll give this a try...I have some decal printing sheet somewhere?
