Monday 7 May 2018

What a Tank Holiday Drybrushing

I've now dry brushed the assembled late war Soviet tanks and assault gun in a 75/25 mix of Flames of War Russian Green and Vallejo Yellow Ochre, in order to highlight the details. Even though these are quick build kits, the level of detail on the engine decks, running gear and turret tops is pretty impressive, so it makes sense to give them a good dry brush to make them pop.

They will all be getting a winter camouflage coating over this, however, so I may well be wasting my time! I thought about adding a final very light flick of white as well but decided not to go that far. I will be doing a black ink pin wash though, once the whole camouflage thing has been completed, in order to pick out the panel lines and engine grills. I'm really enjoying this!


  1. Looking good, and have bookmarked that kitnoob blog you mentioned as well. Would the WaT rules work for smaller scale models as well do you think (6mm, for example)?


  2. I don't see why not. You could reduce the table size to fit and measure in cm rather than inches.
