Tuesday 8 May 2018

What a Tanker! Wash and Go

I took David Manley's sage advice (Thanks David) and gave the camouflaged tanks an overall wash in the same Gryphon Sepia, Nuln Oil and Future wash that I used on them before I applied the whitewash effect. The end result looks loads better and, with a bit of Nuln Oil pin washing in the various nooks and crannies, I'm now ready to add some weathering and final details.

Unfortunately, I stuffed up two of the Shermans in the process, so they've gone to the great tank park in the sky, which is a shame but not something I'm too annoyed about as they can easily be replaced. I'll aim to finish the remaining tanks off over the rest of the week, by which time I should have some Panzers to start on, as well as a couple of Soviet T34's. Za Rodinu!


  1. I own zero tank miniatures and really don't want another addiction but this game has really peaked my interest. Do you think it would work with the 1/285th scale GHQ Micro Armor tanks?

  2. Great work- the understated amount of winter white wash works really well.



  3. Ideally you should have move able turrets but otherwise I think it would be no problem.

  4. Thanks Pete, that's what I was aiming for so that I can use them in winter 44 or spring 45.
