Sunday 3 June 2018

What a Tanker! Soviet Tanks Finished

I pushed it this evening to get the Russian tanks and tank destroyer finished by the end of the half term holiday, which I have now achieved albeit after quite a lot of colourful language, especially when the decals went pear shaped. I was using some old Verlinden 1/35th scale rub down transfers which are great on flat surfaces but a right bugger on anything curved. As a result, I had to salvage several attempts at various slogans and tank numbers, which meant that it took longer than usual. I also mixed up the decal set with some liquid poly at one point, which was almost a total disaster but was swiftly covered up with some more snow camouflage. Phew! It's onto some Panzer IV's next but I think I'll have a break first and paint some Mexicans.


  1. Lovely work. The Armourfast stuff paints up well.



  2. I really like how your tanks turned out (both the Russians and the Germans). I'm looking forward to more reports.

  3. Love the whitewash camo you have applied. They look really excellent.

  4. look superb, must admit I've just built Armourfast Cromwell and Firefly and they do look rather good, not sure I will manage your superb finish standards tho!
