Tuesday 17 July 2018

The Black Battlefleet

There's not much to report on the workbench front the last couple of days as I've been busy under coating the assembled Tumbling Dice Danish, Prussian, Austrian, French and British ironclad warships in an overall black scheme, ready for painting in the rapidly approaching holidays. I've used Halfords Satin Black spray so that they've actually come out looking quite shiny, which is a bonus as it means I'll be able to avoid a brushed on basecoat and can go straight onto the blocking in bit. I'm about three quarters of the way through now, so I should be done and dusted pretty soon, if I get a move on and don't run out of the black stuff?


  1. I've just got a fleet of Napoleonic British on order from Tumbling Dice...but the period you're covering has me interested. I assume it was a combination of sail and steam power with guns still along the sides of the ships as opposed to turreted guns?

  2. Yes and no. It was a transitional period, so broadside batteries but also turrets and various types of casemate, pivots and other contraptions. Really interesting.
