Tuesday 28 August 2018

Colour Monitors

I have been busy today but spent an hour or so painting the bases on the Prussian warships for the 1864 project. I tried to match the bases to the Tiny Wargames Dark Sea cloth by adding a heavier drybrush of Army Painter Wolf Grey but they ended up a bit too dull as a result, so I've repainted them again in Vallejo Dark Sea Blue. The experimental version can be seen in the photo below and you can see that, although it's a better match for the cloth, it does looks far too blue grey:

It matches but it's too grey!

After this minor screw up, I decided to paint up the scratch built monitor, the ex-USS Onondaga, that I made the other day, both to see what it looked like in colour and to get a result for the day's paintwork. I think it came out looking the part although I still need to add a label to the space at the back end of the base and possibly a French ensign on the stern, if I can rig one up from fine wire and a paper flag from Tumbling Dice. I'm not sure how best to do that, so more experimentation is probably a good idea?


  1. For my ironclads, I drilled a small hole in the stern and glued the wire in place. Maybe a bit overscale, but it is secure.

  2. Oh, and as I forgot to say it, that's a fine-looking scratchbuild, especially in 1/2400 scale!
