Monday 27 August 2018

Flashpoint Taiwan ROCAF Finished


I'm glad to see the back of these 1/600th scale jets, to be honest, as they've been hanging around on the workbench for months and have blocked the way to other projects. I finished painting the bases this morning then added the tiddly decals, although I have cut some corners to simplify the insignia for some aircraft as they just wouldn't fit. Anyway, after a brief varnishing disaster and a quick respray in Army Painter matt varnish to save the day, they are now ready for action. I quite like the way the F100's and F16's have turned out, but the F5's, the F86D's and the two black night intruders are a bit of a let down, especially after the varnishing mess up on the latter. Never mind, I can now get started on the 1/2400th scale ironclads for 1864. I'm hoping that this will give my eyes a rest and be a little less fiddly?


  1. That is a fine looking collection Jim. I hopew the games they give you are good ones.



  2. Thanks Pete, I'm hoping to run a game at the club at some point. I think they'd prefer RAF / RN vs Soviets, so I may have to do another project on top of this one!
