Thursday 9 August 2018

Tour de Toulinguet

I had a quick visit to this Napoleonic coastal fortification while we were camping but forgot all about it until I was going through the photos. It is just the sort of thing that Richard Sharpe or Horatio Hornblower might have to blow up, escape from or otherwise sneak around, so you can imagine how it might make an appearance in a Sharp Practice scenario or two. It wouldn't be difficult to scratch build either being essentially a box in a trench, with a wall and gate behind to cut off the headland from any pesky Rosbif's. I also thought it would make an excellent feature on some coastal terrain for Napoleonic naval games.


  1. An interesting place. I seem to recall Toulinguet got a mention in one of the later Hornblower books.

  2. Very nice pictures! 😀
