Friday 14 September 2018

Flashpoint Alto Cenepa Peruvian Hinds

I have just ordered some nifty laser etched rotor blades for the Peruvian Hips and Hinds that I magnet based the other day from a company called Lazer Line Designs via eBay. I located these a while back for use with my 1/600th scale Korean War era choppers but never got round to ordering any as I wasn't sure which size would be right. 

With the modern Soviet helos, however, they are listed by type so it was easy to get four rotor blade discs of the correct diameter and 6mm tail rotors to match. The Peruvian Hinds were camouflaged in a very striking desert scheme, complete with shark mouth and eyes, which will be fun to paint if I can pull it off in 1/600th scale. There's a nice bit of video of the Hinds in action here:


  1. The "desert scheme" looks like the normal Soviet / Russian "sand and spinach" camouflage usually applied to Hinds to me.....
    The shark additions sort of highlight the Hind's scary lines!

  2. I think you're righthe about the camouflage. Looks pretty cool and scary!
