Tuesday 18 September 2018

Flight Deck Decals

Local wargamer and all round nice chap, Colin, author of the excellent Down Among the Lead Men blog:


….sent me a link to a decal manufacturer in the USA yesterday called Flight Deck Decals. Despite the name, this range includes a wide selection of 1/600th and 1/300th scale aircraft decals. I've ordered a set of 1/600th scale Indonesian Air Force 'pentagons' and some RAF B1 roundels, which I'm hoping will do as a proxy for FAE roundels for the Alto Cenepa war Ecuadorian aircraft. They've already been dispatched, which was very quick, so I'm now waiting for the postie to pop them through the front door in a few days.



  1. Thanks Jim, although you missed out incorrigible heckler ...

  2. Well, there is that too.... ;o)

    Actually, he's got some really good stuff including Armada decals for the Argies, for example.
