Tuesday 2 October 2018

Honduran Air Force (FAH)

Here's the first instalment of the Honduran Air Force, magnet based and ready for undercoating. In actual fact, this is most of the FAH apart from five Tumbling Dice T-28A Trojans and six F4U-4 Corsairs, which are now in the post and should arrive tomorrow. Here we have the seven F4U-5 Corsairs that were deployed in the war, together with three SNJ-4's / T-6 Texans, three 'Cessna' light aircraft (lightly converted from Stinson Sentinels) and two C-47 'bombers'.  I'll start on the opposition tomorrow and hopefully add the missing FAH planes as well.


  1. Impressive and beautiful fleet!

  2. There's an interesting mix of planes to be sure😉

  3. The Trojans and F4U-4 Corsairs arrived in the post today, so I'll get them magnet based as well. I can also add a couple more Texans.
