Tuesday 23 October 2018

The Football War

I've found another book that looks useful for my Wings At War Football War project, if only to add some contextual historical detail to the information that I've already gathered together. This one is published by Partisan Press so has a military history and wargaming pedigree, whilst the author has also written several other books on South American conflicts, so presumably knows his stuff. 

It's a bit pricey but I may well order a copy at the end of the month, when I should have slightly more funds to stretch the distance. I'll be back home in a couple of days when I hope to be able to get some decent time at the workbench on the 1/600th scale aircraft for this project, perhaps even completing the Honduran Air Force by the end of the holidays if I get a move on. This will move me one step closer to playtesting the rules that I've adapted specifically for the Football War.


  1. Nice one. I think I'll chase it down.

  2. I'd check out The 100 Hours War first as it's really very good, especially for wargaming.
