Saturday 29 December 2018

Cruel Seas Kriegsmarine

It looks like Cruel Seas is going to be a club thing this year and, as it's my birthday in January, I thought I'd add a Kriegsmarine starter fleet and a copy of the rules to my wish list, against my better judgement. I thought about just doing the 5th Sbflt. of half a dozen S-100 class E-boats but the minesweeper and VP boat models look really fun to paint, so I think the starter set is a good option. I have a freebie sprue of E-boats anyway so I have enough for a rotte to start with. Here we go again.


  1. The models are nice and the rules are good enough. I'm sure there will be more errata coming, but they work for fast play.

  2. I've been very good this year..only jumped on the What a Tanker bandwagon..until now!

  3. Just think of it as a 2019 project started early :) When you get your teeth into it do you fancy giving my house rules a spin?

  4. Just give in to it! It's what we all do. I was happily chipping away at my Russian Civil War project until I saw those S-Boat sprues on the cover of WI. No prizes for guessing what happened next. Have fun with Cruel Seas.

  5. I read your post on house rules so will definitely give them a spin when I've got a grip on the rules.

  6. It's going to divert me away from whatever it was I was already doing....but I will just have to juggle a bit faster!
