Saturday 26 January 2019

Bag the Blenheims Update

I've now finished the player briefing sheets for 73 Squadriglia, No.185 Squadron and No.18 Squadron, so I'm ready now to crack on with the deck of cards for the Bag the Blenheims scenario, which I'll be playtesting at the club in a few weeks. In the meantime, I'm working on the aircraft record sheets, which need to be pre-populated with pilot identities and experience levels. They also need the unit identification details and call signs for the section leaders and wingmen, made easier by colour coding the sections in the game using little D6.

I've done the Italians which required a bit more time and effort than the RAF ones, as I had to squeeze three to a sheet for the three aircraft sections, but I managed to do this in the end with some judicious editing of superfluous stuff. The RAF fighters get to have two aircraft to a sheet, with two sheets for each flight so that they can split into pairs if they want to, making it a lot easier to fill in all the relevant factors. I'll try to get all of the aircraft record sheets done by the end of the weekend, if I can grab the laptop from the kids?

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