Tuesday 15 January 2019

Bandits Over Berlin Play Test

I set up a play test of the Bag the Hun 'Bogeys Over Berlin' game this evening at the club which went well apart from the eponymous bogeys, which didn't really work in the way I intended and just slowed things down at the start of the game. As a result, I'm going to leave bogeys out of the set up, both to simplify the scenario for the players and to speed up the action in the first few turns. In tonight's game, the Luftwaffe pulled off a last minute victory of six points to three, with an impressive performance from the Me262 Top Ace. It was good fun and I think will work even better as an introductory game if the bogeys are removed from play. I just have to think of a new title for the game...how about 'Bandits over Berlin' instead?


  1. Looks great. Dropping the bogeys to make a quicker game is a good idea I think.

    Quick question if I may: do you prefer hexes or no hexes for air combat games? (Considering marking up my own mat here).



  2. I prefer hexes as it makes movement and ranges easier to work out but I don't mind using templates either.

  3. Hey Jim, what size hex bases do you use?

    Prepping my planes (1/600) and can't decide if I want 25mm or 30mm hexes.
