Tuesday 22 January 2019

Cruel Seas Club Game

An excellent, fast moving and very enjoyable game of Cruel Seas at the club tonight, smoothly organised by Geoff, who provided all of the bits and bobs including some beautifully painted models; I particularly like the mottle camouflage on the S-Boats...superb!. In the end the wavy navy did itself proud, sinking a coastal tanker and two S-boats for no loss, although one or two of the Vosper MTB's would have struggled to make it back to blighty. 

The rules worked really well, especially the movement system using the cardboard wake templates, but there were a few instances where we had to improvise to fill a gap in the mechanics including, for example, what happens after ramming or collisions? The torpedoes also failed to deliver, with four strikes ending in duds and only one causing any significant damage, which failed to sink the tanker even then. I think we'll use David Manley's suggested revisions next time we play. 

It was, nonetheless, a lot of fun and I'm keen to have another go, especially if I can paint my S-Boat flotilla to match something approaching Geoff's high standard. I also have a VP boat and an M Class minesweeper to paint and it will be really interesting to see how these larger vessels perform in the Cruel Seas system. I still think 1/600th scale makes a lot more sense but I do like the 1/300th scale models, which do look splendid on a 6' x 4' wargames table.


  1. That looks like it was a fun game. Your friend did a splendid job with the painting.



  2. Looks like it was a fun and dare I say, cinematic? game!

  3. It looks good. I like the method of showing speed on the wakes.

  4. Yes cinematic is the right word!

    I also like the wakes and the movement system.
