Monday 28 January 2019

Winter Woodland Finished

I have spent the afternoon trimming and spraying plastic trees, then gluing them down to the prepared terrain bases to finish off the woodland terrain for the What a Tanker! game next week. The bases were over sprayed with a basecoat of grey primer, followed by splodges of brown, then over sprayed again with matt white and gloss white, to match the tundra cloth that I'm going to use them with. 

I then plugged in all of the trees to make sure they would fit, bending and twisting the armatures into a more tree-like shape. These were then sprayed in brown, followed by an overspray of matt and gloss white, before plugging and gluing them back into the trunk bases. To finish off I blended in the trunks with some white acrylic paste, which I'll clean up a bit later on.

This was a pretty tedious task, which I've been putting off for ages, but the end result will do the job and will also be re-useable for other winter themed wargaming projects. Unfortunately, with all this endless spraying and gluing, I didn't have time to assemble the Russian tanks, so these will have to wait until tomorrow or perhaps later this evening, once the kids are in bed?