Wednesday 27 February 2019

Bag the Blenheims Playtest Photos


The play test of the Bag the Blenheims scenario went really well yesterday, with an overall victory for the RAF and a sobering defeat for the Italians, who put up a pretty good fight nonetheless. I only need to make a handful of minor adjustments and corrections, to smooth out the gameplay and balance the victory points, so I'm very happy with the overall scenario and how it performed under pressure. I also had lots of positive and useful feedback.

The minor wiggles will include reducing he speed of the bombers to a basic 6, with no D4 modifier, bringing Green Flight on a turn earlier to get them shifting down the table faster and giving the Italians more points for damaging or destroying the bombers. I also need to add numbers to the flight stands to make identification easier but I was thinking of doing that anyway, using either little number stickers or Letraset over the coloured stickers I've already applied to the bases.

To wrap things up I am going to work out a table for bombers ditching in the sea, as the Crash Landing rules don't really reflect the chances of making a successful splash down. In the game, one of the Blenheims with aileron and wing damage ended up crashing into the sea and the crew tried to bail out at low level, as they didn't like the odds on the Crash Landing table. In the end, only the pilot got out but his parachute failed, resulting in a free fall for two levels at altitude one!