Sunday 3 February 2019

Ruined Russian Farmstead

I've quickly assembled and painted some 20mm Red Vectors buildings for the What a Tanker! game on Tuesday, so that's there's a bit more cover for the tanks to hide behind. This lasercut set is available from Minibits and is sold as a ruined Russian village, but it's more of a farmstead if you only have the single set. You can also get it in an un-ruined format, which I may well do later on, as well as a ruined factory that would be great for urban themed scenarios:

This lot was done really quickly using spray paints and some PVA, filler and acrylic paste mix to texture the bases and model the snow on what's left of the rooves. I also chopped up some of the frames and added them as collapsed timbers inside the houses and the barns, just to add a bit of a scenic effect. I was originally planning to wash and drybrush the woodwork but I can't be bothered, as I reckon they look fine just as they are?


  1. They look great to me Jim! Would very much like to see them in the flesh

  2. Thanks Colin. I'm sure I'll be running more games at the club.
