Thursday 4 April 2019

Ad Mare Bellum

I'm off on holiday at the weekend so, as usual, I'll be taking some simple 'beer and pretzels' wargames with me to play solo and with the kids. These are usually card and paper based, as it's nice and portable and doesn't take up much space, so I do the write ups on my other blog rather than here:

This Easter I'm going to have a play around with David Manley's fast play ancient naval rules, Ad Mare Bellum, using some lovely card counters of Greek and Persian galleys from Tiny Tin Troops. I bought these to use with the Osprey ancient naval rules. Poseidon's Warriors, but Ad Mare Belllum has been published subsequently, so I have decided to go with those having enjoyed David's other naval rules. I'll post some reports once I've had a go!


  1. Will be very interested Jim, I've got the galleys from TTT too

  2. They're nice and cheap too. I'd prefer models but these are perfect for a portable game.

  3. Hey Jim - what did you use to mount your TTT galleys? I bought these some time also but never got around to cutting and mounting. Thanks!

  4. I'm going to mount them on postcard, once I've cut them out.
