Sunday 28 April 2019

French Ironclad Blocking In

I've now completed the blocking in on the eight 1/2400th scale Tumbling Dice French broadside ironclads that I'm painting, to complete one half of my c1865-1875 Anglo-French 'what if?' naval campaign for Broadside and Ram. As there is more to do with these models than that last lot, which included several monitors and rams with no rigging, they are taking just a little bit longer to do. The Alma class ironclads are particularly fiddly for some reason but I'm now ready to ink wash the whole lot, so that I can add the highlights tomorrow, with the aim being to complete them before I go back to work on Wednesday.


  1. Cheers Colin,

    I'm hoping to finish them today...if I can squeeze them in.

  2. Looking great. Are you going to rig them? I did with my TD Napoleonic ones, rather fiddly but I liked the effect.

  3. I thought about that but it looked too tricky...any advice you could give would be very handy :P

    1. I used plastic bristles cut from a brush, chopped them to length and stuck on with PVA. Give it a go, it's surprisingly easy.
