Sunday 7 April 2019

Squad Level Skirmish Second World War Rules

I've been mulling over the way ahead for my 28mm WW2 project, with the inevitable suspicion that Chain of Command is more practicable in 15mm. It's not the core platoon sized force that's the issue but the need for support options, which pushes the price bracket even higher than it would be otherwise. It also means that the relative cost factor of 15mm makes 28mm just the other side of silly.

This became painfully apparent when I was costing up a Soviet platoon using Crusader Miniatures, which levelled off at about £75 to £100, once I'd factored in a handful of heavy weapons, tanks and extras. This is just not feasible for me at the moment, even if I used plastics rather than my prefered metal figures. On the flipside, 15mm is a fraction of the cost and I already have the figures, so it's not rocket science to do Chain of Command using these smaller scale models.

However, I'm now revising the scope of my 28mm project to focus on squad level skirmish, with no more than a platoon as the default unit strength. This is more like Bolt Action, which I'm not a fan of, so an alternative set of rules is up for selection. At the moment, this will be Iron Cross from Great Escape Games, as the guys at the club think it's a really good set of rules. I'm also going to have another look at Five Men at Kursk by Nordic Weasel and as an outside third place option, Rate of Fire from Crusader Publishing.

One new set of rules that caught my eye, while browsing Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy in WHSmiths the other day, is Ultracombat Normandy by Dish Dash Games. These are the guys who produced the popular Skirmish Sangin modern rules, although the WW2 system is different. I really like the look of the rules from what I've read online and the price of the rule book too, as it's available in .pdf format, with the element cards as a free download. I also really like card based systems!

I may download the rules for a closer look?

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