Monday 20 May 2019

Denmark Straits Replay

Over on David Manley's blog, there's an very interesting proposal for a commemorative replay of the Battle of the Denmark Straits:

I knew that I had some 1/6000th scale Hallmark ships for this scenario somewhere, which came with a starter set of the General Quarters rules via eBay years ago, so I had a rummage and found them this morning. The four capital ships are included but not the heavy cruisers, so I may use HMS Exeter as a proxy for one of them, assuming I decide to have them appear as a 'what if?' option. I should be able to paint these up pretty quickly but the game itself may have to be postponed by twenty four hours as I'm at work on Friday and don't get in until late. I'll probably be using Victory at Sea but might also try out David's new fast play rules Find, Fix and Strike as an alternative. Nice idea David!


  1. I'd play using GQ. VAS doesn't reflect the German gunnery very well.

  2. If I could find my copy I probably would! I'm using VAS because it's quick and easy. If I have time I'll try out another set of rules too.
