Wednesday 8 May 2019

Mast Paint Test Run

I decided to have a go at the Flames of War light brown basecoat on the masts, spars and funnels using a steam frigate and screw sloop as a test bed. It looks a bit ***** at the moment but, once I've washed them, added a highlight and tidied up the black bits, I think it will look okay. It takes ages, however, with just these two soaking up a good twenty minutes each, once I'd added a couple of layers to add some depth. At this rate, it'll be quite a while before I can finish the blocking in, so I may well split the workload into two consecutive runs, with four or five models at a time rathe than all ten at a go.


  1. Thanks AJ. It's a bit experimental but seems to be going in the right direction (I think?)
