Saturday 18 May 2019

Royal Navy Ironclads Finished

Just varnished...and very shiny!

HMS Minotaur and HMS Northumberland

HMS Achilles and HMS Warrior

HMS Captain, HMS Rapid and HMS Aurora


The Channel Squadron

Form Line of Battle

Where are the Frogs?

I finished the sea bases on the ironclads today, varnished them and added the labels, so they're pretty much finished, bar the ensigns and some rigging, if I can summon up the courage to give it a try. The matt artist's varnish was brushed on but came out very shiny, which happened with my French ironclads as well, although they have subsequently dulled down a lot. To make sure they are suitably matt, I've given the hulls, sails and masts an extra coat of Army Painter Anti-Shine, so that they look less shiny. I'm on to the turret ships and rams next, with a possible diversion into some coastal terrain scratch building if I can squeeze it into the schedule?