Monday 29 July 2019

Black Ops Choppers

I was up in the loft this afternoon looking for the 1/76th scale Airfix Churchill Crocodile kit, with no luck at all, when I uncovered three of these 'Snap Together' 1/100th scale Blackhawk 'Black Ops' helicopter kits. I can't remember where or when I got them, although The Entertainer is on the price sticker, but I only paid three quid for each kit, which isn't half bad. 

They are very basic but moulded in durable plastic and have some perfectly decent detailing. I particularly like the fact that the canopy and windows are solid plastic and moulded into the airframe itself. The rotor blades are also pretty chunky and will not snap off like a normal scale model would do, so they are ideal for wargaming. 

I will add them to my stockpile of Peter Pig modern US infantry and APC's, which I will using as an adjunct to the Sandbox Skirmish project, as and when I get around to it. In the meantime, I need to complete the 1960's era British vehicles and infantry, not to mention the rebels and their cadre of military advisors, which are still a way off yet. I will get there eventually!


  1. I'll have to keep my eye out for these, they look great for gaming!

  2. Have a look on might be lucky?
