Monday 19 August 2019

French 118 gun First Rate

It was the usual family Sunday lunch yesterday, so there was little time for wargaming, especially as the weather was lovely for a change. I did complete the assembly of a single 120 gun first rate (ASN2), which will be a 118 gun French flagship for my squadron. As you can see, I added a spritsail from one of the spars that you can get from Tumbling Dice, rather than use the smaller one that came with the model, and also applied a little bit of filler around the hull to blend it in. 

Like most of the French ships of the line, these 118 gun three deck first rates were renamed numerous times, several were captured and one famously blew up, so it's tricky to choose a specific name for this one, but it will probably represent the OcĂ©an. To make things easier, I will probably move my time frame either up to 1805 or, more likely, back to 1794, so that I can make it easier to assign specific names for each ship without limiting their use. Who thought it would be this convoluted?


  1. Good grief, the spammers are out again I see. Anyway, nice model.

  2. It's a pretty impressive ship, especially when you place it next to a sloop or brig. It's funny but unless you do, they all look like they're tiny.
