Saturday 24 August 2019

French 16 gun Brig

I've been otherwise pre-occupied today, so only based up a single rather insignificant 16 gun brig-corvette for the 1/2400th scale Napoleonic naval project. This is actually a bomb brig or ketch from the Tumbling Dice range (ASN 16) as the models in the 12 gun brig pack (ASN 13) were obviously too small. The model itself is a reasonable match for either an Abeille class brig or a Vigilant class brig, both of which were first commissioned c1800, although I really should do something about the height of the mizzen mast. I only had a 30mm x 20mm base to use for this model but may well replace it with a 35mm long base when I get back home, as the 30mm one is a bit on the tight side?


  1. A neat little model. This type of vessel always reminds me of the Hornblower book 'The Commodore,' where bomb ketches played a big role in the siege of Riga.

  2. I really like the Tumbling Dice unrated ships...Very neat little models, especially the 12 gun cutter. I've decided to replace this one with the 12 gun brig, however, as it just doesn't look quite right.
