Tuesday 3 September 2019

Naval Projects and Plans

I'm back at work tomorrow, so I suspect very little will happen at the workbench for a while, especially as most of my weekends are also taken up with various family things. Nonetheless, I've decided to finally finish the 1/2400th Prussian and Danish naval forces for the 1864 Second Schleswig War at some point this Autumn, as they been hanging about for years and really should have been painted a long time ago. In a slight change of plan, I'm going to paint the entire Prussian fleet first, give or take,  followed by the Danes second. 

The Prussians have more ships but most of them are first and second class gunboats, which should be relatively quick to do, with only three of four larger ships, none bigger than a small frigate.  This means I should, famous last words, get them done in short order, assuming I get on with it and don't get side tracked. In the longer term, there's obviously the Danes and Austrians to paint, along with some generic merchant shipping, but I'm also thinking of starting fleets for the Pacific War as well, using the same selection of models that I've used for the 1864 project. I'm pretty sure this would be a lot of fun and is well supported in terms of rules.

Incidentally, the 1/2400th Napoleonic French are now in the queue and will eventually see a splash of paint but not just yet. I've also decided to abandon my Cruel Seas project and instead revert to good old 1/600th scale for my coastal warfare fix, as it makes no sense to do this in multiple scales and I'm quite happy with the smaller models anyway. I'm also thinking of another naval project at some point before the end of the year but have so many to choose from I don't know where to begin. It could be 1/600th American Civil War, 1/2400th Russo-Japanese, 1/3000th scale East of Suez or even 1/450th scale pirates, who knows? 

Answers on a postcard please?


  1. Did you get the Prussian ships as part of a set, or did you have to buy them separately? If separately, were you able to find each of the ships you were after, or did you have to settle for close-as-dammit?

    Best regards,


  2. Hi Chris,

    I just used what I thought looked close enough. The only ones that are way out are the paddlers but I doubt anyone will notice? I just bought the relevant packs from TD. I think I have a post a while back identifying the packs I used?



  3. Jim: Just wanted you to know that I have found your 19th century Anglo/French naval adventures to be inspirational. I have been fascinated by this transition period for many years, have collected many Navwar, Davco, WTJ ships and have been researching the era for a long time. It has never seemed like anyone else games this period with hypothetical scenarios. But then I found your blog, which gave me an idea of how to launch myself into gaming it. Now I have Broadside and Ram and plan to devise similar scenarios for the Channel and Med fleets, may have the French take on the Italians, get the Russians involved, Austrians, etc. Much thanks and will stay in touch! Bruce Blair
