Saturday 14 September 2019

Crocodile Kit Bash Completed

I've now finished the assembly of the Churchill Crocodile, so it's ready for painting. The Airfix flame fuel trailer went together quite easily despite some fiddly bits and I've left it detachable from the tank so that it's not damaged during games and can be safely stored away. I also glued he flame projector on upside down at first (d'oh!) but I've now corrected it, in case you spotted it in the photo. I now need to build the PSC Sherman Firefly and possibly a Sherman Crab, if I can summon up the courage to tackle the S and S white metal conversion kit. 


  1. A long and complicated journey but the final product looks spot-on!

  2. Nicely done! The Crocodile trailer was made so it could be jettisoned once empty, or if it got hit, which would ruin the crew's day.

  3. Yes, that would be a bit nasty... :O\
