Saturday 19 October 2019

Congo Terrain

One of the things that I like about the Congo project is the opportunity to make some more scratch built terrain. I already have a shedload of plastic aquarium plants and foliage that I've acquired over the years in various places, so have a good starting point for some dense jungle terrain templates.

I've also found a Sarrissa Precision jungle hut kit, left over from a WW2 Far East project, which would be excellent as a colonial outpost or mission station. I plan to add a corrugated iron roof and some internal details like furniture and clutter, so that it really looks the part. It will have to wait until I've actually painted the figures though!


  1. Great looking building Jim!

  2. I think it will fit very well in an African setting. I've also got an adobe style Spanish chapel from Charlie Foxtrot that I might convert into a mission church. Worth a try?

  3. Paint the hut - that'll give you incentive to paint the minis!
