Monday 18 November 2019

Bag the Hun RAF Cards

I've now completed all of the No.129 Squadron RAF cards for the Bag the Hun scenario, so that I can set up a playtesting game at the club, hopefully some time before the end of the year. I still need to DTP the Luftwaffe cards and write up the scenario briefings for the German and the British players, but that shouldn't take too long to do. The big job will be to create customised record sheets for all of the six sections involved, not to mention actually painting all twenty five of the 1/285th scale aircraft! At least the game now has a proper title - 'Sinker Saves the Day!'


  1. Nice cards Jim! Where did you find the images?

  2. Thanks. The images are snipped from cartoon graphic novels (BD) by Romain Hugault that I found online.
