Monday 25 November 2019

Take These Men

Somehow I have never read this book, which is an oversight on my part and inexplicable, so I'm now reading through it at a pace, as it is excellent. It has given me all sorts of ideas about tank warfare in the Western Desert which will no doubt divert me off in yet another What a Tanker! direction, who knows? I'll have to work out how sponson mounted guns work at the same time as turret ones, however, as found on the M3 Grant and M3 Lee...he said scratching his head. A cracking book!


  1. I'd look out for "Brazen Chariots" as well...

  2. And "The Sands of Valour" by Geoffrey Wagner: really atmospheric, and the only novel I have ever read which had A10s in it!

  3. When you do figure out the rules for the turret/main gun please post your ideas! I have an m3 for my 54mm skirmishes and have trouble with it.

  4. Thanks for the suggestions :O)

    I'll have a think about the M3 problem and work something out.
