Thursday 23 January 2020

Birthday Swag

I had a very nice birthday at the weekend but the presents have only just arrived in the post. It's a miniatures free windfall this year but pretty good nonetheless, with a copy of PSC's Battle of Britain, Osprey Publishing's Undaunted: Normandy and GMT's Iron and Oak to add to my board wargaming stack. Brilliant!

The advantage of having an Amazon Wishlist is that you actually get what you wish for but I'm always a bit uncomfortable with the thought that some little wargaming shop is missing out on my custom or that the Amazon warehouse and delivery zero hours contract workers are getting ripped off, even if they are making a living of sorts out of my hobby.

Food for thought.

And my teenage son got me some he trying to tell me something?


  1. Happy birthday(belatedly)! Excellent choice of games...I have all 3 of those although I still haven't got round to playing Iron and Oak

  2. Happy birthday also.

    I also use the Amazon basket Wishlist, but keep it up to date received a book I already had for Christmas!

    All the best for your 2020 projects and plans


  3. Happy birthday! A useful haul (Lynx aside). Better than socks, anyway.

  4. Happy Birthday. I have the PSC BB game and Undaunted Normandy game. Played both and both are really good. Enjoy

  5. I suspect your son may be planning to take eth Lynx with him on his forthcoming field trip - if the adverts are true he'll be trampled in the rush... :o)

  6. Happy birthday and I look forward to hearing your views on Iron & Oak!


  7. Mmmmm....GMT game. Sounds like a good day you had! HB.
