Saturday 25 January 2020

HMS Hercules

Here's my latest attempt at converting Tumbling Dice 1/2400th scale ironclads into other things, in this case the central battery ironclad HMS Hercules c1868. The basis for this job was ASV127 HMS Shah, a much later iron hulled frigate, which just happens to have similar dimensions, hull form and mast layout to HMS Hercules. I had to carve the fore and aft gun ports into the hull sides, cut away the boats abaft the funnels, round off the stern and fill in the forecastle, but that's about it so not too much work. The recessed gun ports are a bit crude but from arms length seem to be okay, so I can live with them rather than try to tidy them up any more. I'm quite pleased with the end result even if it's not perfect.


  1. great looking conversion on that one too. Looking forward to the painted version.


  2. Thanks...not too bad but far from perfect!

  3. Looks great and good plan for the conversion. To me Hercules is an iconic ironclad design, and I’m surprised that TD didn’t model her.

  4. Me too. In fact there are quite a few ships that I'd love to see from RD.
