Wednesday 8 January 2020

Kiss Me Hardy Baltic Naval Bash

I joined in with a very enjoyable, fast paced and at times very funny game of Kiss Me Hardy at the club last night, playing as the French flotilla in a combined Franco-Swedish action against the perfidious British and the dastardly Russians, somewhere in the nether parts of the Baltic. It was a blast and I think we won, although it may well have been a Phyrric victory. The game looked great too as the umpire brought along his superb collection of Langton 1/200th scale warships, which are stunning. I have some of these myself but have never summoned up the courage to glue them together, let alone paint and rig them (eek!). 


  1. Wonderful looking game. I've spent time drooling over Langton's ships but they are beyond my skill set.

  2. Me too...all that etched brass and fiddly snappy bits! Just more food for the carpet monster :O(

  3. A pell-mell battle of the kind Jack Aubrey would love. I do like Langton's ships, but yes, they are fiddly.

  4. I love that you didn't mention the heroic charge by the French squadron that you commanded vs my two brit frigates. A real engage the enemy more closely moment. It was a shame for France your dice didn't back the intent... Your own gun blowing up being a sign of how bad your dice were. Great game.

  5. And who would have thought ramming would be a popular tactic...

  6. Yes there was a hint of despiration in the ramming, which completely dismasted one Swedish frigate.
    Going through the ship record sheets the Russians will probably have recovered the Aleksadr Nevskii, so a marginal to Russia. Desaster for the RN losing 24 gunner when she surrendered.

  7. Re Langton ships. Get a brig or some such to experiment with. Base the hull with the bowsprit. Construct the masts separetly. Paint every thing. Strp the masts. Then rig, use a needle and thread for some basic rigging. Include the ratlines. Add flags. Stand back in awe at how good your ship looks. The small amount of rigging is worthwhile.

  8. I'm still claiming a French win as the Royal Navy actually surrendered! And who's ever heard of a marginal Russian victory? :o)

  9. I'll dig out one of my Langton frigates and have a look...if I can build and paint one as good as yours I'll be very pleased.
