Saturday 29 February 2020

Anglo French Naval War 1870 Campaign Map

I found this scan of an old map of the English Channel a while back but then forgot about it. I was searching through my picture files for something else today when I stumbled across it in my folder of ironclad images. I remembered that I was thinking of using it as a campaign map for my 'What If?' Anglo French naval conflict c1870-75, so I have had a go at extending it to provide a bit more space for strategic manoeuvres. This involved some basic cut and paste in MS Paint to add the Western Approaches and some naval ports along both the French and English sides of La Manche. It woud be great to have a bit more of the Bay of Biscay and Irish coast too but that's not possible with the basic map that I've edited. I think this will be perfect as a starting point for a very simple Broadside and Ram naval campaign?


  1. It looks very effective and of the period. I have a similar problem with naval maps. One I have shows the North Atlantic and the British Isles, but not as much of the North Sea as I'd like.

  2. Yeah that's a really nice map. Where did you find it?

  3. I can’t remember where I found it but it’s not bad! I might have some off map strategic movements to cover the bits that are missing.
