Monday 10 February 2020

Brigade Models Small Scale Range

Castel de San Antonio

Fort Boyard

Spitbank Fort

Beachy Head Lighthouse

The parcel of Brigade Models 1/1000th scale scenery items arrived today, so I wasted no time matching them up with a 1/2400th scale Tumbling Dice HMS Warrior model, for an instant scale comparison. I don't know about you but to my eye they look a bit too big for my 1/2400th scale naval games, which is a real shame but not the end of the world.

The model of Castel De San Antonio, of which I have a couple (SSS-8081), is particularly splendid and I could deck it out with some of the fortress guns that I also ordered with the buildings. I also really like the model of Fort Boyard (SSS-8038) which would be great as a harbour defence fortification for Victorian ironclad scenarios. I'm pleased with these and would order more but it's a real shame that they're not half the size. I will just have to expand into 1/1200th Napoleonic  naval instead!


  1. I've been painting some of these recently. They're really fun, lots of texture for drybrushing.

  2. Yes I noticed the surface texture. I bet it brushes up really well.
