Monday 16 March 2020

US Ironclad Monitors Finished

It's taken me far longer than I expected but I have now finished the assorted 1/2400th scale monitors for my North Atlantic Squadron c1870. They turned out fine in the end but they're not particularly spectacular being a rather boring shade of overall dark grey and black, with only the white details to relieve the monotony. Anyway, I added some ensigns to give them a splash of colour and the labels lift them a little bit too. I also finished the 'abandon ship' lifeboats that I will use as Shattered counters while I work out something more inspiring in the way of wreckage markers. I have a couple more ships to add to the USN collection including the paddle frigate USS Powhatan and a very useful steam tug, USS Hetzel, but I'm now running out of storage space in my plastic box!


  1. Jim, you need to buy another box! And then fill it with more ships. Nice monitors.

  2. Thanks Peter..I may well have to do that!

  3. Another cracking header image for the blog - I've got a box of really nice postcards similar to this covering WW1 to the 1990s - interested?
