Friday 10 April 2020

1864 Danish Squadron - Base Coat

I've base coated the ships for the 1864 Danish squadron at the Battle of Jasmund and they've now been given an all over ink wash, ready for the highlighting tomorrow. I'm wondering if I should give the hull sides a black ink wash too, to pick out the gun ports along the strakes before I highlight the strakes in white, but I'll decide that tomorrow, once the ink wash has dried properly. It's all good practice for my Napoleonic ships, so I'm killing two birds with one stone!


  1. Hi,

    Were you able to find models of the actual Danish vessels? The Austrians weren't too difficult, as many of them were at Lissa 2 years later, and I found other vessels that were similar enough to fake it. The Danish fleet, however, stumped me. Any advice?

    Best regards,

    Chris Johnson

    1. Hi Chris,

      Not really. These are the closest I could find. The Skjold isn't really very close at all but the others aren't too bad.
