Thursday 23 April 2020

A Fistful of Lead - Ambush

I umpired another outdoor game of Fistful of Lead:Reloaded for the kids today, using the Ambush scenario from the rulebook and two rival gangs of banditos - the Fajitas and the Chimichangas. The game was really quick and my daughter thrashed her big brother in short order, with all of his gang skedaddling off the table by turn six, due to some terrible card draws and equally terrible die rolls. It was good fun, as always, so we'll be running another game tomorrow. I am really enjoying getting back into Fistful of Lead and I'm also looking forward to painting some new figures or even making some more terrain.


  1. Just discovered these rules while looking for a suitable set to use with my kids, good to see it works so well for you. I don’t have any Wild West figures so trying to decide what other era would work. I painted some Airfix 1/32 WWII Aussies and Japanese for them a few years ago, so thinking some sort of jungle encounter might work.

    1. That would work well. If you use the Core Rules they include automatic weapons.

  2. Excellent! This why I wrote the rules. Kids always win.

  3. Looks great. It's good to get family members playing in lockdown, Victoria and I are really enjoying some Star Wars: Legion games.

  4. I have some 28mm pirates so was thinking of setting up a game of the Horse and Musket variant of FFOL. Kids love that sort of thing.
