Tuesday 28 April 2020

Peter Pig 15mm Mexican Revolution?

This new book from Caliver has stirred up some interest in the Mexican Revolution on the Rules For the Common Man forum and over on TMP. So much so that Martin Goddard, the Peter Pig head honcho, has suggested that he might be interested in producing a 15mm range of figures for the conflict including at least two of the factions involved. This is great news if it actually happens, as 15mm is an ideal scale for larger battles rather than skirmishes, for which I already have some 20mm Shellhole Scenics figures. I'd use an AK47 adaptation or one of the Nordic Weasel company level rules for this, as it's clearly a multiple figure base, company or battalion level thing. Excellente!


  1. "including at least two of the factions involved."

    So long as one of them isn't Pershing's Americans - there's alway far too much emphasis on those in gaming, rather than the main Mexican factions.

  2. I saw the post in the RFCM forum but refrained from commenting since it's not an era I'm interested in, but it's always nice to see the range of 15mm miniatures expand.

    1. Yes it's a bit niche but I think would appeal to colonial and WW1 / early C20th wargamers.

  3. Perfect. We just released Bigger Battles!

  4. That would be a great option for the Mex Rev in 15mm!
