Sunday 17 May 2020

NEWSFLASH - MDF patrol captured on Mbote-Zubuto Border

An MDF Patrol in the Njuba Highlands

ZAP Security Forces

From our military correspondent in Njuba (ABC)

Reports are coming in of the capture of a patrol of Mbote Defence Force troops on the Zubuto-Mbote border by units of the Zubuto Army of the People. A spokesman for the ZAP regional command, has confirmed that the heavily armed patrol force had 'invaded' Zubuto territory and has been disarmed and detained by ZAP border security forces. The MDF troops are reported to be held in a customs post on the Zubuto side of the border by the ZAP.

The Njuba highland border zone is heavily forested and extremely remote, with the border itself difficult to determine due to the terrain and the absence of up to date mapping. There has yet to be any official response from the government of the Democratic Republic of Mbote to the seizure of MDF troops, or denial of the accusations made by the government of the Peoples Democratic Republic of Zubuto, of a deliberate invasion of Zubuto territory.

1 comment:

  1. Alright man, you've got me all worked up, now let's get into the fight! ;)

