Friday 22 May 2020

Sands of the Sudan

I've been busy the last few days with painting, bathrooms and hallways rather than wargaming figures, so I've not had time to start on the 1/2400th scale pre-dreadnoughts. I still have some thinking to do about how to paint them as well, so I'm going to move them to one side for the next few weeks and instead start on something a bit bigger. I've already decided to do something with an African theme but instead of Congo, I'm going to build a Beja army for The Men Who Would Be Kings, as well as any other skirmish rules that take my fancy. The thinking behind this is that I won't have to make any new terrain, as I already have plenty of desert scenery, unless I really want to, so I can concentrate instead on the actual figures. These are the Perry Miniatures plastic ones with a few metal figures sprinkled in for variety. I'm going to build the first unit of sixteen figures today, if I can squeeze them into the DIY scheduled.


  1. Had a really great multi-player scenario game using TMWWBK last year. Massive table with loads of figures, trains, boats, archeologists, ladies temperance union, crocodiles. Not very serious but loads of fun. The rules worked well.

  2. It's been on my skirmish 'to do' list along with Lion Rampant for quite a while. And I have the terrain already sorted which makes a big difference.
