Saturday 18 July 2020

Give Us The Ships Review

In January, I set out my plans for naval wargaming in 2020, continuing my successful strategy over the last couple of years. It's now half way through the year and I've had a look at progress to date, which has been less than spectacular despite some things being ticked off the list. As a result, I've decided to re-focus my project plans so that the latter half of the year sees some projects finished.

The top three projects will stay in place, as the focus of my workbench modelling and painting this year. These are:

1. 1/2400th scale Prussian, Danish and Austrian ironclads for 1864 (40% complete)
2. 1/2400th scale Napoleonic Naval French and British fleets (25% complete)
3. 1/2400th scale French and British Pre-Dreadnoughts (25% complete)

I'm hoping to get more of the 1864 ships painted this week, while the British Napoleonic ships will now be the assembly and basing project for the Summer holidays in France, having done the same for the French last year. The Royal Navy pre-dreadnoughts will probably also be taken along and glued together at the same time. I enjoyed assembling the Tumbling Dice models while away, so it's a good use of the downtime.

The three projects on the bottom of the list will be mothballed, cleared away and sent to the loft as they are very unlikely to even get a look in. I'll pack them away until I've completed the three 1/2400th scale projects, which I'm aiming to get done by the end of the year. I do have one other secret project that I'm thinking of squeezing in, however, as it isn't very time consuming or expensive. 

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